When I use the new X509Certificate2(fileName, password, X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet) to create certificate from certificate file containing private key in my web application, I got following error message: System . Security . Cryptography . CryptographicException : The system cannot find the file specified . at System . Security . Cryptography . CryptographicException . ThrowCryptogaphicException ( Int32 hr ) at System . Security . Cryptography . X509Certificates . X509Utils . _LoadCertFromBlob ( Byte [] rawData , IntPtr password , UInt32 dwFlags , Boolean persistKeySet , SafeCertContextHandle & pCertCtx ) at System . Security . Cryptography . X509Certificates . X509Certificate . LoadCertificateFromBlob ( Byte [] rawData , Object password , X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags ) at System . Security . Cryptography . X509Certificates . X509Certificate2 .. ctor ( Byte [] rawData , String password , X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags ) In orde...