I have a MVC 4 web project and I used FontAwesome in my code. It works perfect in development environment, but the FontAwesome icon does not show up in production environment. I used style bundling: bundles.Add(new StyleBundle ( "~/Content/css" ).Include( "~/Content/site.css" , "~/Content/menu.css" , "~/Content/font-awesome-4.0.3/css/font-awesome.css" )); Using Fiddler tool, I can see the HTTP GET for the style bundle is: GET /Content/css?v=1fdJNYlrmyYR2zfWNxGwp9byu_Xm_F8yrFMQHaWibnk1 HTTP/1.1 As you can see, the virtual path for the bundled style is under /Content In my site, I have this following folder structure in /Content Open "font-awesome.css" file, at the beginning of the file, you can see the font-face definition: The relative path here assume the style sheet is loaded from "/Content/font-awsome-4.0.3/css", so the "../fonts" will point to "/Content/font-awesome-4.0.3...